RibShark / SafeDiscShim

SafeDiscShim is a compatibility tool that allows for SafeDisc protected games which utilize the insecure Macrovision Security Driver ("secdrv.sys") to run on modern versions of Windows .
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Retail version of The Wheel of Time does not launch. #2

Open ScottVordem opened 5 months ago

ScottVordem commented 5 months ago

The Retail version of The Wheel of Time does not start with this.

The game was originally released on 2 CDs, disc 2 being the one that SafeDisc needs to do its thing.

The Wheel of Time uses SafeDisc V1, and I read what you said about some versions needing the drvmgt.dll removed from the same location as the exe. The Wheel of Time does not have this file present amongst the game's files, but it is located on disc 2 which is the disc required for SafeDisc. Because of it being on the disc, the dll file cannot be removed.

There are two retail versions of The Wheel of Time game: Version 300 and Version 333b. Version 300 is what is installed directly from the discs while 333b is an official patch for the game.

On the plus side, upon launching the game, the disc drive is being used and the splash screen (which originally does not show up) now shows up which does not happen originally without your software installed, the game just won't launch.

I have provided logs for both versions of the game (in case they do something slightly different).

Version 300: WoT.exe_300_SafeDiscShim.log WOT.ICD_300_SafeDiscShim.log

Version 333b: WoT.exe_333b_SafeDiscShim.log WOT.ICD_333b_SafeDiscShim.log

mirh commented 5 months ago

Gamecopyworld also reports CD#2 to be the one with safedisc.. Yet in the cd-copy instructions they say CD#1 is the one with the executable that has to be replaced?

NicknineTheEagle commented 5 months ago

Gamecopyworld also reports CD#2 to be the one with safedisc.. Yet in the cd-copy instructions they say CD#1 is the one with the executable that has to be replaced?

According to Redump, CD 2 is the one checked by SafeDisc (notice the error count): http://redump.org/disc/21468/

ScottVordem commented 5 months ago

Gamecopyworld also reports CD#2 to be the one with safedisc.. Yet in the cd-copy instructions they say CD#1 is the one with the executable that has to be replaced?

CD 1 is the data disc, that disc is what does the installing. Having "game content" checked during the installation stage will install the same files located on the disc into the installation directory. The hashes are the same for the WOT.EXE on the disc and what gets installed.

The instructions say to replace WOT.EXE after a full installation. the other instructions is for a disc backup.

Because storage space was very small at the time, you had the option to not have a full installation of the game and could play entirely from the discs. The game is very small compared to modern standards where a full installation is easily achieved. However, Disc 2 will always be needed regardless.

mirh commented 5 months ago

Supposedly, unsafedisc should support the game. You may want to check if there aren't extra checks/dependencies?

ScottVordem commented 5 months ago

Supposedly, unsafedisc should support the game. You may want to check if there aren't extra checks/dependencies?

Unsafedisc does indeed work with it and the game will launch, I don't know how I should check for other dependencies though.

Could SafeDiscShim be trying to write something on the disc and failing? The disc is where the check does take place as that's where all the files are.

The logs say it is hooking the ICD file but then stopping.

Not sure what else I can try to get SafeDiscShim working with the game.

mirh commented 5 months ago

If that's enough to make the game start, then yes I guess this is a bug for the shim. I was thinking that they might have placed extra cd checks like omikron for isntance.