Ribbit-Network / ribbit-network-dashboard

The web dashboard for the world's largest crowdsourced network of open-source, low-cost, CO2 Gas Detection Sensors.
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Create mock data and visualizations of what a heatmap for a specific urban area would look like #75

Closed keenanjohnson closed 2 years ago

nivashini10 commented 2 years ago

Initial thoughts -

To create the mock data and visualizations,

  1. Understand how current C02 emissions data are being produced
  2. The methodology behind the data collection (whether the data are estimates or accurate values of co2 emitted in a location)

In the Vulcan mapping project, the researchers map the CO2 emissions throughout United States. The data from the Vulcan mapping project is available on the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Data Archive.

Reference: “The Vulcan Version 3.0 High‐Resolution Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions for the United States” by Kevin R. Gurney, Jianming Liang, Risa Patarasuk, Yang Song, Jianhua Huang and Geoffrey Roest, 15 September 2020, JGR Atmospheres. [DOI: 10.1029/2020JD032974] (https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD032974)

keenanjohnson commented 2 years ago

That sounds good! In my experience most of those data sets are based on estimates, but I'm not familiar with that one, so I'm excited to see what you find!

In my opinion, it might end up being simplest to try and handcraft some data that is obviously simpler than a real dataset, but is adequate for these visualizations. Or you could download some data from one of our real sensors and try duplicating it and shifting that data in time to simulate CO2 blowing across an area with wind?

nivashini10 commented 2 years ago

Using climate change visualization and CO2 emissions visualization articles to create some basic code and visualizations/animations for north America.

To understand the methodology of the Vulcan Project - Documentation (https://vulcan.rc.nau.edu/assets/files/Vulcan.documentation.v2.0.online.pdf).


The data is collected from 5 primary sources

The data is in nc4 format. I know how to open nc files using xarray package in python but for some reason, this data doesn't work. Need to do further research on reading this file type.

nivashini10 commented 2 years ago

Came across https://github.com/claudian37/DS_Portfolio/blob/master/NYC_cab_dataset/01_EDA_NYC_Cab_geospatial_visualization.ipynb on a Time-Lapsed Heatmap of NYC Cab Pickup Locations. I would be using this as a reference to create the visualizations for the mock-up data and try to mimic some aspects.

The reason why I am specifically referring to this is because the attributes used in the data are fairly simple (pickup_datetime, pickup_longitude, pickup_latitude) and the mock-up would have almost the same format.

keenanjohnson commented 2 years ago

Sounds good! That seems like an excellent place to start. What sort of tools are you using to do that? What stage are you at with the mockups?

nivashini10 commented 2 years ago

I downloaded the ribbit network data from the website and switched the coordinates with the NYC_Cab_Dataset as all the coordinates in the ribbit network data was the same and this allowed for using different mock-up coordinates within the same location.

I am currently coding it in python and do have an initial gif animation but I am working on it further to see if it is mapping the CO2 emissions as heatmap properly.



Initial GIF of mock up data - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XfcAhTniXr5MQUvS348I1Cs7iJzsePQi/view?usp=sharing

keenanjohnson commented 2 years ago

For the record I made a smaller gif :) small

nivashini10 commented 2 years ago

I created a github fork and added the codes and datasets under Data Visualizations folder. I was also able to clone the fork to my github desktop.

I am uploading the heatmap gifs I have created so far and working on adding some markers to show the sensors physical location on the heatmap as well.

nivashini10 commented 2 years ago

Uploaded some heatmap visualizations code, and working on changing the location of the region from Europe to a region in USA and converting it into a gif.

keenanjohnson commented 2 years ago

Looking great so far! Are you figuring out git and github ok?

Make sure to include the test data set as well :)

nivashini10 commented 2 years ago

Created this code https://github.com/Ribbit-Network/ribbit-network-dashboard/blob/main/DataVisualizations/NYC%20CO2%20Visualization.ipynb for visualizing CO2 emissions along with physical sensors shown on the map in NYC.

I used the NYC Cab dataset to get the coordinates but unable to upload it as the file is too big. The dataset used for the sensors shown on the map is uploaded.


keenanjohnson commented 2 years ago

I think this is complete!