RiceReallyGood / BHM_QMC

Quantum Monte Carlo simlation of Bose Bubbard Model. An implementation of Directed Worm Algorithm.
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about the project BHM_QMC #2

Open PUDongOK opened 3 months ago

PUDongOK commented 3 months ago

Could you please tell me whether this code runs on Windows system or not? What third-party libraries does it rely on or which is the header file and which is the source file? I have just come into contact with C++. I can't run this code on Windows and don't know how to compile it on Linux.

PUDongOK commented 3 months ago

Severity Code Description Item File Line Suppressed Status Error C3861 'setiosflags': identifier Bose-Hubbard not found E:\20230916\C++_learning\worm\Bose-Hubbard\dwa.hpp 549