Hello! I'm trying to build a small x-to-js compiler.
I use TypeScript (target: ESNext, module: CommonJS) and when i try to use code-red in my code, i see this error:
Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: No "exports" main defined in (project root)/node_modules/estree-walker/package.json
I tried to use pnpm and yarn, but none of them worked. I've seen some issues in other packages with the same error code, but they seem to be unrelated to my problem.
Hello! I'm trying to build a small x-to-js compiler. I use TypeScript (target: ESNext, module: CommonJS) and when i try to use code-red in my code, i see this error:
I tried to use pnpm and yarn, but none of them worked. I've seen some issues in other packages with the same error code, but they seem to be unrelated to my problem.