Richard-Gemmell / teensy4_i2c

An I2C library for the Teensy 4. Provides slave and master mode.
MIT License
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Rws dev #35

Open rw-schumann opened 11 months ago

rw-schumann commented 11 months ago

Hi Richard, This update implements a few key items: 1)Creates a variable timeout in the Wire library, along with the associated Reset capability 2) Implements the reset in the IMX code to bitbang the clock until both sda and scl go high again 3) Changes the CLKLO value for the default master from 37 to 42 which works great for the AIF device. I was not sure how best to implement this and whether it makes sense to make it global, and if not how to override effectively in a specific implementation. 4) Fixed bug where address NAK was reported as DATA NAK. This bug fix is not perfect (basically looks if there are still items in the TX queue). but probably good?