RichardJamesLopez / app-nesting
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Custom Rules page #19

Closed nmwur closed 2 days ago

nmwur commented 2 months ago

Build specific page within Admin panel for setting different rules for different fields

RichardJamesLopez commented 1 month ago

This is an mockup of the functionality from this file:


nmwur commented 1 month ago

should this table be read-only?

RichardJamesLopez commented 1 month ago

This table should be:

nmwur commented 3 weeks ago




nmwur commented 3 weeks ago


nmwur commented 2 weeks ago



nmwur commented 2 weeks ago




RichardJamesLopez commented 2 days ago

Is there a way that the imported data from the column would auto-detect the data type?

What happens if the user sets it to be something different than what it is imported in as? i.e. There is data that is imported as a string for a column titled "last updated", and then the user in Ourmada changes the data type to date. Will the values still come through and be mapped properly?

nmwur commented 2 days ago

yes, i think it's a good idea, we could use an LLM api for auto-detecting the data type.

if the user sets the data type to be something different than what is imported, it would generally show something like NaN or Invalid Date in the Preview. in the given example with the "last updated" column, it would still return a formatted date because the value can be parsed as a date