RichardLitt / low-resource-languages

Resources for conservation, development, and documentation of low resource (human) languages.
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FirstVoices apps #76

Closed cesine closed 7 years ago

cesine commented 9 years ago

It looks like the source code is not available. On the other hand, their website says it's impossible to make an Android version (which might have been true in 2011, but as an Android dev, I can say it true anymore).

This issue is to contact them when I have time to ask them if they are doing okay with the android side, and if they are interested in opening the source so they could get some help.... I tried figuring out who to contact, but the server for is down

First Peoples' Cultural Council is a leader in the development and deployment of technology-based solutions for Indigenous language reclamation and revitalization.

The wealth of language data uploaded by Indigenous community champions to is being repurposed in multiple dictionary and tutor apps like the ones listed below.

Secwepemc Secwépemc app Released: Jan 22, 2013 Xeni Gwet'in Xeni Gwet'in app Released: Jan 17, 2013 Nazko-Dakelh Nazko-Dakelh app Released: Jan 17, 2013 FirstVoices Chat FirstVoices Chat app Released: June 18, 2012 Users Guide [PDF] Northern St̕'át̕'imcets app logo Northern St̕'át̕'imcets app Updated: Mar 22, 2012 Ktunaxa app logo Ktunaxa app Released: Mar 14, 2012 Sliammon app logo Sliammon app Updated: Mar 14, 2012 Nisg̱a'a app logo Nisg̱a'a app Released: Jan 25, 2012 Ehattesaht app logo Ehattesaht app Released: Jan 18, 2012 Kwak̓wala app logo Kwak̓wala app Released: Dec 21, 2011 Skidegate Haida Language app logo Skidegate Haida app Released: Oct 27, 2011 SENĆOŦEN app logo SENĆOŦEN app Released: Sep 30, 2011 Halq'eméylem app logo Halq'eméylem app Released: Sep 30, 2011 FirstVoices Language Tutor is available from the FirstVoices Language Tutor Website. Enquiries welcome.

More apps coming soon...


Apps for Android Devices?

The Android operating system doesn’t currently support the specialized characters needed to write in First Nations languages. When this situation changes, FirstVoices apps will be developed for both platforms.

screen shot 2015-08-01 at 7 42 01 pm
RichardLitt commented 8 years ago

@cesine Have you contacted them?

roedoejet commented 7 years ago

Hi all, just finding this repo now and it's great! To update this, I live a stone's throw away from where FirstVoices is based and am a linguist/developer. The FirstVoices apps are now having problems with iOS 10 and I've been building a new version with the Ionic Framework for both iOS and Android. Eventually all languages will be done with this platform but we're starting with Ucwalmícwts, Halq'eméylem and SENĆOŦEN.

roedoejet commented 7 years ago

I should also note that I'm making the app open-source and am also writing documentation for how to implement it with other languages.

cesine commented 7 years ago

Yay! That's great news keep us posted ;)

RichardLitt commented 7 years ago

Yeah! Totally awesome. work, @roedoejet. Feel free to PR any links you might have that are relevant, here, too.

RichardLitt commented 7 years ago

Hey @roedoejet - just checking in. How is FirstVoices going? Any new resources to add? If not, I am going to close this issue. :)

roedoejet commented 7 years ago

Hey @RichardLitt, everything is going well and the first batch of FV app rebuilds are public:

Halq'eméylem: Hlg̲aagilda X̲aayda Kil: Ktunaxa: Nisg̲a'a: SENĆOŦEN: Ucwalmícwts:

The Waldayu site however is going to be undergoing extensive changes in the next few months during which time another 9 FV apps should be published. These apps are in effect being made with what I'll be calling version 1.x which is all written in Ionic 1 (AngularJS). We already have our eye on, and are developing, a 2.x version which will incorporate automatic syncing from the FV database and added features (possibly QR stuff and/or stories etc). The 2.x version is being developed in Ionic 3/TypeScript/Angular 4 and is the version I'm writing documentation for and will be releasing under AGPLv3. I think it will be easier to have collaborators with an Ionic 3 codebase than an Ionic 1. I'll be sure to make a pull request when I have any relevant repos to share.

This is a long-winded way of saying you can probably close this issue for now :)

RichardLitt commented 7 years ago

Thank you! Awesome. Best of luck, and looking forward to having some repos added. :)