RichardLitt / low-resource-languages

Resources for conservation, development, and documentation of low resource (human) languages.
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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Clone all SourceForge repositories into #91

Closed RichardLitt closed 7 years ago

RichardLitt commented 8 years ago

Current SourceForge projects:

RichardLitt commented 8 years ago

Here is a justification for not using SF: Here is a reddit thread about it, too.

I contacted Phillip Cash about searching the ILAT archives to see if this has been done yet, but got no response.

cesine commented 8 years ago

I have some time today to help out with this.

DONE already by the maintainers :)

DONE Today:


Maybe shouldnt do?

Issue importer (if you are an admin on the source forge project you can export your issues)

CVS to git example usage:

git cvsimport -A ../authors.txt -v -a -i -k -d -C lekho_lekho-cvs.git lekho

btw I got this in my email from sourceforge this week so I started reading Wikipedia to find out more about the sale by Dice to BIZX, and the previous changes while Dice owned SourceForge. I'm not sure what if this sale will reduce or improve the sourceforge open source karma. It looks like Bizx canceled the "DevShare" Project which was what introduced the adware in downloads.


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kscanne commented 8 years ago

FYI I moved all of my repos from sourceforge to github a couple of months ago. Gramadóir in particular is now here:

The only exception was the lingala repository which is contains some massive data files that probably shouldn't be under version control anyway. All of the import tools fail on it because of its size. At some point in the future I'll create a new repo here with just the code and try to preserve as much of this history as possible.

cesine commented 8 years ago

@kscanne cool! i classified the repos into groups that are already on github.

@RichardLitt i might not have time to finish this (there are still 2 more repos to go, with a ton of files that might need to be individually downloaded (?)) but i will at least prep a PR #104 to update the links the github forks and maybe contact the maintainers to see if they want the repos in their own githubs now that we've tracked them down :)

edit: it looks like we cant transfer them the repos, but maybe they can do it if they accepted their invite to the org

screen shot 2016-03-14 at 11 05 36 pm
RichardLitt commented 8 years ago

@cesine Sounds great! There's no rush, but thanks so much for taking the initiative on this.

RichardLitt commented 8 years ago

@cesine Should we consider this done?

cesine commented 8 years ago

hi :)

there are still 2 more TODOs :( but we could make a new issue for them? or close this issue until we have time.

kghose commented 8 years ago

@cesine and @RichardLitt Thank you so much for doing all this work. I am happy to transfer ownership for Lekho! This project, however, is majorly obsolete - it was somewhat relevant when editor support for UTF-8 was poor, but now I think all major OSes have good Bengali support. It is a historical curiosity now.

RichardLitt commented 8 years ago

@kghose Nice to see you here! Transferring isn't necessary; if it's on GitHub, we can fork it, and if it isn't we can clone it and host it that way. You still retain copyright and storage.

Obsolete doesn't mean not potentially useful. While Bengali is doing well, thousands of other languages aren't, and they may benefit from seeing how you helped build editor support.

RichardLitt commented 7 years ago

I think this can be closed. The work was good (thanks, @cesine), but I don't think we need to clone those two other repos at this time.