RichardLitt / open-source-protocol

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Link to specific page #27

Open rektide opened 7 years ago

rektide commented 7 years ago

My interpretation of the current metatags (repo, rcs_type, src, issue, commit, branch, server) is that these point to the complete work of source. For some sites this could be potentially thousands of pages. I would like to see a metatag that lets a page point to a specific file, if applicable, that renders the current page.

It may be useful to decouple "the current page" further? A content-id, and a renderer id? These two metatags wont make sense for all website types, but something like a static site generator could definitely have both, & both would make sense & be useful.

RichardLitt commented 7 years ago

Pointing to the file where the static content lies is probably realistic (certainly is for a Jekyll site, for instance), but I think we're less likely to find a single page that renders the content. How would you decide what code renders the site? The gulp file? The make file? Some library in node_modules that actually moves content around? The interpreter?

I think thinking of the source as a collection of files, a bundle, is better; the easiest way to point to these is to point to the repository where this code is stored, or to the repository that is last in the rendering cycle - "website-content.git" or something similar, for sites that divide up their website into a lot of modules.

But perhaps I am misunderstanding. Can you point to some specific examples where pointing to a specific file would work easily?