RichardLitt / thesis

My thesis on "Open Source Code and Low Resource Languages" for an MSc in Language Science and Technology at Saarland University
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Gaelic Resources #13

Closed RichardLitt closed 6 years ago

RichardLitt commented 7 years ago

Good case study. From Calum:

In terms of resources your first port of call should be this website: It has quite a range of learning resources and is pretty self explanatory.

Their dictionary is very good and one of the two main ones I use online, but is probably the best for beginners.

That guy I was on about Michael Bauer has done quite a lot of work on creating and translating online Gaelic resources. Here's a link to his page:

Here's an interview with him That blog is pretty interesting as well, and comes at it from a more academic point of view than

RichardLitt commented 6 years ago