RichardLitt / university-of-remainia

The University of Remainia's Homepage
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Update and currently broken I think? #15

Closed cameronneylon closed 7 years ago

cameronneylon commented 7 years ago

Hi Richard

Not sure where we got to at the end of last week but this is the progress to date.

This version of my repo will take a downloaded CSV file from the Google Form and then populate pages using a hacked together python script that seems to work ok. Looking at it on gh-pages at my repo it appears I have broken something (the faculty pages don't seem to show up at all) but I'm not clear on what.

I'll still need to get to the FAQ but if you're in a position to figure out whether (if) I've broken things and what to do to fix it that would be great. Then its just a question of getting the FAQ in place and starting to get some more people in.


RichardLitt commented 7 years ago

I fixed some things, pushed commits locally! See my five commits here:

I think this is better now; we show images and the faculty just fine. I think we're just at the FAQ now?

RichardLitt commented 7 years ago

Good job with the worker script, that's wonderful.