RichardObi / medigan

medigan - A Python Library of Pretrained Generative Models for Medical Image Synthesis
MIT License
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Saved samples directory structure #37

Closed faildeny closed 1 year ago

faildeny commented 1 year ago

What directory structure would be best for saved samples?

Currently I see two options:

First: Everything in one directory, that's simple to implement.

-- output_path

Second: Samples grouped by type.

-- output_path
    -- img
    -- mask

I have a particular case for FID calculation, where the user provides path to image directory. With the first approach this will involve some additional work and file preprocessing. To have the second approach, medigan guidelines will have to be updated, to require contributors to save each type of output data in separate directory. However, any additional sample use like statistics calculation will be very straightforward. The first approach is already implemented in #36

RichardObi commented 1 year ago

Hmm.. good point. A potential solution could be this one