RichardObi / medigan

medigan - A Python Library of Pretrained Generative Models for Medical Image Synthesis
MIT License
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Union package unavailable #69

Open darioguidotti opened 2 weeks ago

darioguidotti commented 2 weeks ago

Dear Richard,

I have recently attempted to generate sample data using 00016_CYCLEGAN_MMG_DENSITY_CSAW_CC and 00015_CYCLEGAN_MMG_DENSITY_CSAW_MLO. Regrettably, it appears that the Union package, which is apparently a dependency of these models, has been removed from pip in all versions and is therefore unavailable.

Is there an alternative solution you can suggest?

Kind regards, Dario

BYALPERENK commented 1 week ago

I have same problem. I tried many things but no solution

BYALPERENK commented 1 week ago

I created new env "python==3.7" and i installed "pip install union==0.1.10" When i run my code Generators().generate( model_id="00003_CYCLEGAN_MMG_DENSITY_FULL", input_path="models/00003_CYCLEGAN_MMG_DENSITY_FULL/images", image_size=[1332, 800], gpu_id=0, install_dependencies=True, ) with "install_dependencies=True" it installed other dependencies. This worked for me.

darioguidotti commented 1 week ago

I managed to make it work by removing the package requirement from the configuration file: it does not seem to be needed to run the models.