RichardRed0x / crypto-governance-research

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Values for a graphic representation #11

Open marcelolustosa opened 5 years ago

marcelolustosa commented 5 years ago

I need to apply values to your table in order to draw a chart. Have I guessed them properly in the image below? I've set 0 for (not applicable) and 5 for (direct), being 3 for (delegated).


RichardRed0x commented 5 years ago

The scale I am using is 0-1 or 0-100, with NA values having their own space in the graphic to the left of that. In the data-set draft I have at the moment the scale is 0-1.

marcelolustosa commented 5 years ago

Ah great!

Dustorf commented 5 years ago

Lustosa-there will likely one simplified chart for my purpose, and perhaps multiple, more complex outputs for the more in-depth piece Richard is starting. As such, I'd love to draw this on a triangular axis for me with zero being the center and 100 being the outside point of the triangle. Each project will be represented by their connected "triangles" within the larger one. LMK if that makes sense

marcelolustosa commented 5 years ago

This is the raw chart I'll be working with, generated from Richard's data.

There's a issue in differentiating here the Tezos 'zero' score from EOS 'not applicable', in Funding.


Dustorf commented 5 years ago

My first thought is that this is designed to be high level, and that 0 = N/A

marcelolustosa commented 5 years ago

nice, I do agree, but wanted to be sure

Dustorf commented 5 years ago

Thumbs up Stakey

marcelolustosa commented 5 years ago


RichardRed0x commented 5 years ago

I don't think this format works well for a static image, too much going on and unfamiliar makes it confusing. In my opinion this kind of graphic works better when it's live and dynamic, showing one project's data with the user in control.

Looks like the color legend is wrong?

marcelolustosa commented 5 years ago

True, I've switched Dash and Decred by mistake: dcr--governance

This is for Dustorf, idk how he's going to use it. Later on, as he suggested, we can make an interactive version of it. Just need to know where it will be hosted.

RichardRed0x commented 5 years ago

Fair enough. If you're making it manually I should flag that the numbers will need to be refined before a published version, I can see a couple of issues already.

cryptoleslie commented 5 years ago

Marcel's idea of an interactive version sounds exciting. If we go with the chart in your first comment, maybe add arrows to the lines to indicate going up in value is positive? I think a more refined version of this all-in-one is a good direction for us. Thank you for your work on this.

cryptoleslie commented 5 years ago

Ideally, let's get the static model looking better (I see pixelation in the mockup on my end), then go to the interactive. We'll want to have both available.

marcelolustosa commented 5 years ago

We can use a JS library to make it interactive if we are willing to host it. For Medium or similar platforms, it can be an animated gif showing each project rating then the full chart.

cryptoleslie commented 5 years ago

Yes, I can see this interactive JS version becoming a gif on Twitter, and perhaps also hosted on our website. Is that in line with your idea, Marcelolustosa?

RichardRed0x commented 5 years ago

I have updated the values for Dash and Tezos here, and added a Dash writeup here.