RicherMans / PLDA

An LDA/PLDA estimator using KALDI in python for speaker verification tasks
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can not clone submodule #5

Closed cldog closed 5 years ago

cldog commented 5 years ago

HELLO RicherMans when i clone your resp,i use 'git clone --recursive' but it tell me these

Cloning into 'PLDA'... remote: Enumerating objects: 723, done. remote: Total 723 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 723 Receiving objects: 100% (723/723), 151.66 KiB | 52.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (447/447), done. Checking connectivity... done. fatal: no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path 'scoring/htkpython'

is the submodule exist at this time?or i do something wrong?


RicherMans commented 5 years ago

Uhh why not just:

git clone


cldog commented 5 years ago

when i use git clone

the result is

2018-10-23 11 51 09

just as the photo, the htkpython folder is empty, and i want to clone the submodule htkpython

2018-10-23 11 55 29

how can i clone the htkpython folder?

RicherMans commented 5 years ago

Whoops was my mistake, I accidentally added that module back in the day by adding a local git repository ( which is not available anymore )

cldog commented 5 years ago

i see, is there something that can replace the lost module? to continue my project,could you give me some suggestion? THANK YOU

RicherMans commented 5 years ago

Oh that was just a module to read and write htk features ( Wrote that in C ). There are some alternatives online available: here and here

cldog commented 5 years ago

o98k,thanks again