Rick-T137 / VIC-BBS

VIC-20 Bulletin Board System
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Message Functionality Enhancement #1

Closed Rick-T137 closed 2 days ago

Rick-T137 commented 4 days ago
Rick-T137 commented 3 days ago


Rick-T137 commented 3 days ago

Edit was a little tricky, but I think I have it working. Did some edge case testing, and it passed.

Also, word wrap is possible, as all the code building I$ is in BASIC. Added some additional code in 400-499 (specifically 440+) to facilitate word wrap.

Rick-T137 commented 2 days ago

Also added Delete. Updated the help/tips. Tested extensively - still some edge cases where it doesn't work 100% properly (ie: often get a dangling CHR$(13) at the end of the message, and it can't be deleted) but overall seems okay for general usage.

Will deploy to prod!