Rick-T137 / VIC-BBS

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Speed Up Handle Check #2

Closed Rick-T137 closed 2 weeks ago

Rick-T137 commented 2 weeks ago

Kind of a two-parter:

Rick-T137 commented 2 weeks ago

Looks pretty easy to update TOUPPER...

add these: 1609 if x$ = "," then x$ = "-" : gosub 1660

1660 i$=left$(i$,k-1)+x$+right$(i$,len(i$)-k) 1669 return

Then, update this line: 1317 print#15,"p"+chr$(98)+chr$(y)+chr$(0)+chr$(1):gosub500:i$=left$(rc$,12)

To be:

1317 print#15,"p"+chr$(98)+chr$(y)+chr$(0)+chr$(1):input#15,rc$:i$=left$(rc$,12)

Gonna try this in DEV and see how it goes.

Rick-T137 commented 2 weeks ago

It worked! Tested and deployed to PROD.