Rick1Marques / star-wars-bazar-app

2 stars 2 forks source link

US 4 - User Collection #13

Open DavevonH opened 9 months ago

DavevonH commented 9 months ago

Value proposition

As a user I want to be able to access my collection so that I can have an overview of the starships I own



Acceptance criteria


ahohnsen commented 9 months ago

Heyho 🙌

The user story is well written, well done.

Please, keep in mind that we do not want to include items, which do not have a function yet. If I remember correctly, at this point you do not have the selling list. Therefore it should not be included in your scribble.

I added a similar comment in another related US: https://github.com/users/Rick1Marques/projects/1/views/1?pane=issue&itemId=39015843

B-Baumeister commented 9 months ago

Sieht super aus! Viel Erfolg! 🚀