Rick1Marques / star-wars-bazar-app

2 stars 2 forks source link

US 1 - Marketplace #6

Open DavevonH opened 9 months ago

DavevonH commented 9 months ago

Value proposition

As a user I want to see a list of current starship for sale so that I can have an overview of the market



Acceptance criteria


Data structure:

const starship = { _id: String,hhh name: String, model: String, manufacturer: String, default_cost_in_credits: Number, max_atmosphering_speed: String, passengers: String, cargo_capacity: String, starship_class: String, image: String }

ahohnsen commented 9 months ago

Well done 👍

Just a tiny recommendation:

It's great that you will implement an error message, if there is a problem loading the data. I think, it would be nice to also give instructions to the user in that message, e.g.: Please try again later. 🙂

e-rmkt commented 9 months ago

Very well done! Looks great and works as expected! Can't wait to buy my first spaceship! ;D