Rick1Marques / star-wars-bazar-app

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US 9 - Seller's selling list #9

Open DavevonH opened 9 months ago

DavevonH commented 9 months ago

Value proposition

As a user, I want to view the items that a seller has listed, so that I can explore more products from that seller and potentially make a purchase



Acceptance criteria


ahohnsen commented 9 months ago

Great 🙌🏼

I have just two little suggestions:

  1. I would rephrase the value proposition a bit. The second line should mention the feature 👉🏼 in this case the feature is, that the user can see all items another user is selling. I suggest something like:

As a user, I want to view the items that a seller has listed, so that I can explore more products from that seller and potentially make a purchase.

  1. Would it be possible that a seller is not actively selling any items at the moment? 🤔 In such cases, a message like "This user does not have any items listed for sale currently" could be displayed instead of an empty page.
shrocket commented 9 months ago

Thank you for letting us look at your app! Here are our comments:

  1. Please change the word "Bazar" to "Bazaar"
  2. Please change the word "Händler" to "Dealer" (and be on the lookout for any more "Denglisch"!)
  3. Please add a "Buy" button (as per acceptance criteria)
  4. Please add a link back to the "Starship Details" page (as per acceptance criteria)

Additionally, why is the homepage text only and unreadable (because color/contrast) at that?

Rick1Marques commented 9 months ago

As we said on the code review, there are things to change on the backend, that we will do later this week. The Buy button its part of another story and we will render just a placeholder for this one. We removed the back link for now.