RickKessler / SNANA

Supernova Analysis package
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Error while running simulation #1161

Closed simran2296 closed 1 year ago

simran2296 commented 1 year ago

I am using SNANA for simulating SNe and KNe for modeling a DECam search and getting the following SNANA error at the simulation stage. ` ** SIMLIB_prepGlobalHeader SIMLIB Survey : DES


PRE-ABORT DUMP from function splitString : string to split: '-30.24,-70.75,2200' split separator: ','

|```````| <| o\ /o |> | ' ; ' | | | ABORT program on Fatal Error. | |' '| | | `---' | ____/

FATAL ERROR ABORT called by splitString Nsplit = 3 exceeds bound MXsplit=2 called by function parse_geoSURVEYDEF`

SNANA code command:

snana.exe NOFILE PRIVATE_DATA_PATH LightCurvesReal VERSION_PHOTOMETRY LightCurvesReal VERSION_REFORMAT_FITS LightCurvesReal_1 > LightCurvesReal/convert_dat_to_fits.log

RickKessler commented 1 year ago

problem was that EUPS version at FNAL was still buggy, but current version here on GitHub is ok.