RickKessler / SNANA

Supernova Analysis package
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Inability to generate spectra during simulation #1388

Closed KeneAnumba closed 2 months ago

KeneAnumba commented 2 months ago

I was not able to generate spectra for a SALT3 training that I'm currently doing. This is the merge file showing that no spectra was written out in the output directory. /project2/rkessler/SURVEYS/DES/USERS/Keneanumba/5000_SNe_simulation_LSST+Roman/SIMLOGS_KA_250_LSST+Roman_wSPEC/MERGE.LOG . I've tried to figure out what could be the issue but I have not been able to identify the problem. This is the master input file /project2/rkessler/SURVEYS/DES/USERS/Keneanumba/5000_SNe_simulation_LSST+Roman/MASTER5_LSSTRoman_DDF.INPUT. I also adjusted the MJDs to match but it didn't resolve the problem.

RickKessler commented 2 months ago

Looks like a mis-typed key: "TAKE_SEPCTRUM" should be "TAKE_SPECTRUM"