RickKessler / SNANA

Supernova Analysis package
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segfault when using WGTMAP and zHOST SEARCHEFF. #478

Closed pmacias closed 3 years ago

pmacias commented 3 years ago

Hi Rick,

I am running into a segfault when running snlc_sim from the analysis_inputs sim directory:

cd /project2/rkessler/SURVEYS/WFIRST/ROOT/analysis_inputs/sim

snlc_sim.exe SIMGEN_WFIRST_Allz_SNIA.input

everything works on its own (i.e. the search efficiency file runs, the WGTMAP runs) but combining yields the segfault. As far as I can see the formatting is matched up with what is expected from the manual.


RickKessler commented 3 years ago

I don't get segFault, but I get

FATAL ERROR ABORT called by read_gal_HOSTLIB 3678 HOSTLIB values are NaN Must fix/remove these NaN values.

Let's talk to Rebekah today about the status of fixing the HOSTLIB.

RickKessler commented 3 years ago

cd $NGRST_ROOT/analysis_inputs/sim/searches diff euclid_shallow euclid_shallow+fix | more

and note that your table has two non-uniform bins which causes the segFault. I am adding a more stringent test on bin uniformity.