RickKessler / SNANA

Supernova Analysis package
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negative wavelength lookup in LCFIT #488

Closed pmacias closed 3 years ago

pmacias commented 3 years ago

Hi Rick,

I'm getting a segfault in stage 2 when running

cd /project2/rkessler/SURVEYS/WFIRST/USERS/pmacias/dev/pippin pippin.sh WFIRST_starterKit+ALT04.yml &

the error message is located here:


I haven't changed my fitopts to have lowercase filters for the lamshifts, but that should have only mattered for Foundation and the job is failing in WFIRST BIASCOR fitting.


RickKessler commented 3 years ago

A useful debug trick here is to extract the event into TEXT format and inspect visually: quick_commands.py -v PIP_WFIRST_STARTERKIT+ALT04_WFIRST_BIASCOR_G10 \ --cidlist_text 180578


I noticed that the redshift is -9 and there is no host photo-z. Try adding CUTWIN_REDSHIFT: 0.0, 5.0 or fix the sim to always have positive redshift.