RickKessler / SNANA

Supernova Analysis package
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Add binary TRUE column to hostlib #901

Closed helenqu closed 2 years ago

helenqu commented 2 years ago

TRUE=1: can be used for simulation (ie can be true host) TRUE=0: only used for matching, cannot be true host

more details: https://darkenergysurvey.slack.com/archives/DPLPJ1J9Y/p1651521980628069

RickKessler commented 2 years ago

implemented by setting WGT=0.0 for galaxies with TRUE=0. Needs testing.

helenqu commented 2 years ago

run snlc_sim.exe command found in /scratch/midway2/rkessler/PIPPIN_OUTPUT/HELEN_TRUECOL/1_SIM/DESSIM_WRONGHOST/LOGS/CPU0000_JOBLIST_midway2-login2.CMD

got error: FATAL ERROR ABORT called by init_HOSTLIB_WGTMAP Could not interpolate WGTMAP for GALID=2100595196 . interp_GRIDMAP() returned istat = -1 the referenced galaxy is TRUE=0 and has no logmass estimate

TRUE=0 galaxies should not be subject to the same requirements as TRUE=1 galaxies (i.e. should not be required to have LOGMASS in the WGTMAP range or have a redshift, etc)

RickKessler commented 2 years ago

Fixed logic so that sim job runs, but not clear what happens for DLR-matched galaxies with ZTRUE < 0