RickStrahl / MarkdownMonster

An extensible Markdown Editor, Viewer and Weblog Publisher for Windows
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Pandoc addin gives error: Method not found: 'Void MarkdownMonster.mmApp.SetThemeWindowOverride(MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroWindow, Boolean)'. #890

Closed anders-eriksson closed 2 years ago

anders-eriksson commented 2 years ago

I have upgraded to Markdown Moster version and added the Pandoc 0.3.6 The adding seems to register correctly, but I get an error dialog when I try to run it

Addin Execution Failed

The 'Pandoc Markdown Parser' addin failed: Method not found: 'Void MarkdownMonster.mmApp.SetThemeWindowOverride(MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroWindow, Boolean)'. You can check to see if there is an update for the Addin available in the Addin Manager. We also recommend you update to the latest version of Markdown Monster.


Any idea on how to fix this?

From the Error log 2021-12-08 12:28:10 - Addin Pandoc Markdown Parser Execute failed Method not found: 'Void MarkdownMonster.mmApp.SetThemeWindowOverride(MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroWindow, Boolean)'. Markdown Monster v2.2.2.1 10.0.19041.1.amd64fre.vb_release.191206-1406 - en-US - NET 4.8 - 64 bit sv-SE - en-US

PandocMarkdownParserAddin at PanDocMarkdownParserAddin.PandocMarkdownParserWindow..ctor(PanDocMarkdownParserAddin addin) at PanDocMarkdownParserAddin.PanDocMarkdownParserAddin.OnExecute(Object sender) in C:\projects\MarkdownMonsterAddins\PanDocMarkdownParserAddin\PanDocMarkdownParserAddin\PanDocMarkdownParserAddin.cs:line 54 at MarkdownMonster.AddIns.AddinManager.<>c__DisplayClass20_2.<b__0>d.MoveNext() in C:\projects\MarkdownMonsterCode\MarkdownMonster_Classes\AddInInterfaces\AddinManager.cs:line 149 System.MissingMethodException

RickStrahl commented 2 years ago

Make sure you install the latest version of the addin. If you upgraded the old version if already installed won't work as the addin APIs have changed. Update from the Addin Manager.

anders-eriksson commented 2 years ago

I uninstalled the addin, using the Addin Manager. Then to be sure I uninstalled Markdown Monster. I alsow removed the PandocAddin folder Then I installed MM and Pandoc addin via Addin Manager. I still get the same error!

If I look at the properties for the PandocMarkdownParserAdd PandocMarkdownParserAddin in.dll is seem like it is the wrong version?

The version.json says that the version is 0.3.6, but the version in the dll is 0.3.25

The addin is installed in C:\Users\Anders\AppData\Roaming\Markdown Monster\Addins\PandocMarkdownParser

RickStrahl commented 2 years ago

Just updated the addin and installed it. It works. It also worked before the updated except I had forgotten that PanDoc was not installed on this new machine here. Easiest way to install is via Chocolatey.

choco install pandoc
choco install MikTex   # for PDF and Latex conversions

So, make sure you have PanDoc installed and it's on your global path (ie. you can run Pandoc.exe from anywhere on the command line). For more info see the documentation for the Addin.

The update I just posted includes a message to this effect.

FYI, to completely uninstall an addin:

No need to reinstall completely :smile: The restart after shutdown actually removes it, while the remove operation disconnects it from the UI and from the Addin event hookups.

anders-eriksson commented 2 years ago

OK, now it works!

Thank you very much!