RickStrahl / Westwind.RazorHosting

Hosting the Razor Runtime outside of ASP.NET/MVC for use in non-Web .NET applications.
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Behaviour change between Source Code and Nuget Package #41

Open Fungusware opened 3 years ago

Fungusware commented 3 years ago

I have an interesting issue. When using a Project Reference to the Westwind.RazorHosting source code my application gives me Intellisense in my cshtml files and works perfectly.

If I reference the compiled DLL or the NuGet package, the cshtml file shows an error on

@inherits Westwind.RazorHosting.RazorTemplateFolderHost<DemoModel>

The error is

The type or namespace name 'Westwind' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Simply switching back the the Project Reference solves the issue an I cannot find any way to make the Nuget package or DLL work.

In both cases, the final application runs fine, I just lose the intellisense.