RickStrahl / Westwind.plUploadHandler

An ASP.NET base HttpHandler library to handle plUpload content on the server.
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plUploadFileHandler: send the filename back to client when upload is com... #7

Closed bvgheluwe closed 9 years ago

bvgheluwe commented 9 years ago


I noticed that OnUploadCompleted is not overriden in plUploadFileHandler. This means that, when it's called in ProcessRequest, nothing happens. It would be nice to send the filename back to the client. I added that to plUploadFileHandler. I could just as well have inherited from plUploadFileHandler, but I think it's nicer to have this in plUploadFileHandler itself.

Sincerely, Bart

RickStrahl commented 9 years ago

I don't really agree. The point of the base implementation is that you can customize it. The file upload specialization is specifically geared towards handling file storage uploads.