RickStrahl / wwDotnetBridge

.NET Interop for Visual FoxPro made easy
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missing file - wwIPStuff.dll #29

Closed bernbout closed 1 year ago

bernbout commented 1 year ago

The Readme.md states: Load dependencies and add to Procedure stack Make sure wwDotnetBridge.prg wwDotnetBridge.dll wwIPStuff.dll *** are in your FoxPro path

However there is no such file as wwIPStuff.dll nor any link where it can be downloaded in the wwDotnetBridge repositry. Please add it to the Distribution folder where wwDotnetBridge.dll is located.

RickStrahl commented 1 year ago

Use ClrHost.dll instead.

I'll fix the docs. This library comes out of West Wind Client Tools which includes a commercial version and that uses wwIpStuff.dll for the loader. The docs come from client tools.

bernbout commented 1 year ago

That was prompt. Thanks Rick. Hope you are well. Cheers.