RicoSuter / NSwag

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TypeScript client generator not generating multiple enums for same parameter names (OData) #4816

Open lorenyaSICKAG opened 6 months ago

lorenyaSICKAG commented 6 months ago


in OData there are several default query parameters (like $expand). But having multiple endpoints with the same name of query parameters ($expand), the TypeScript client generator generates only ONE _expand enum type instead of multiple types. I would say it should be fine, if it would generate multiple enum types with incrementing numeric suffixes like (_expand1, _expand2 and so on).

Example Endpoint in OpenAPI specification:

    "description":"Provides operations to manage the collection of Section entities.",
      "summary":"Get entities from Sections",
          "description":"Order items by property values",
                "Id desc",
                "Name desc",
                "DepartmentId desc",
                "ParentId desc",
                "Created desc",
                "LastModified desc"
          "description":"Select properties to be returned",
          "description":"Expand related entities",
      "summary":"Add new entity to Sections",
        "description":"New entity",
          "description":"Created entity",


lorenyaSICKAG commented 6 months ago

I workaround' this issue by creating such class and using it in the TypeScriptGeneratorSettings:

public class ODataTypeNameGenerator : TypeScriptTypeNameGenerator

    /// <inheritdoc />
    public override string Generate(JsonSchema schema, string typeNameHint, IEnumerable<string> reservedTypeNames)
        // Replace illegal characters first when its an odata query parameter
        if (typeNameHint.StartsWith("$"))
            typeNameHint = RemoveIllegalCharacters(typeNameHint);

        return base.Generate(schema, typeNameHint, reservedTypeNames);

    /// <summary>
    /// Replaces all characters that are not normals letters, numbers or underscore, with an underscore.
    /// Will prepend an underscore if the first characters is a number.
    /// In case there are this would result in multiple underscores in a row, strips down to one underscore.
    /// Will trim any underscores at the end of the type name.
    /// </summary>
    private static string RemoveIllegalCharacters(string typeName)
        // TODO: Find a way to support unicode characters up to 3.0

        // first check if all are valid and we skip altogether
        var invalid = false;
        for (var i = 0; i < typeName.Length; i++)
            var c = typeName[i];
            if (i == 0 && (!IsEnglishLetterOrUnderScore(c) || char.IsDigit(c)))
                invalid = true;

            if (!IsEnglishLetterOrUnderScore(c) && !char.IsDigit(c))
                invalid = true;

        if (!invalid)
            return typeName;

        return DoRemoveIllegalCharacters(typeName);

    private static string DoRemoveIllegalCharacters(string typeName)
        var firstCharacter = typeName[0];
        var regexInvalidCharacters = new Regex("\\W");

        var legalTypeName = new StringBuilder(typeName);
        if (!IsEnglishLetterOrUnderScore(firstCharacter) || firstCharacter == '_')
            if (!regexInvalidCharacters.IsMatch(firstCharacter.ToString()))
                legalTypeName.Insert(0, "_");
                legalTypeName[0] = '_';

        var illegalMatches = regexInvalidCharacters.Matches(legalTypeName.ToString());

        for (int i = illegalMatches.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            var illegalMatchIndex = illegalMatches[i].Index;
            legalTypeName[illegalMatchIndex] = '_';

        var regexMoreThanOneUnderscore = new Regex("[_]{2,}");

        var legalTypeNameString = regexMoreThanOneUnderscore.Replace(legalTypeName.ToString(), "_");
        return legalTypeNameString.TrimEnd('_');

    private static bool IsEnglishLetterOrUnderScore(char c)
        return c is >= 'A' and <= 'Z' or >= 'a' and <= 'z' or '_';
