RicoSuter / NuGetReferenceSwitcher

Visual Studio extension to switch between NuGet and project references.
Microsoft Public License
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Does not work if packages path is modified using Nuget.config #27

Open nvmkpk opened 7 years ago

nvmkpk commented 7 years ago

I use Nuget.config to change the path where packages are stored. The extension fails to detect any nuget references. I just had casing differences in the folder name and relocated it outside the solution folder. It should use packages.config/project.json file to detect nuget references rather than looking at the references in project file.

mortengjesing commented 6 years ago

It should be searching for the packages.config in parent folder(s) as described here https://docs.microsoft.com/da-dk/nuget/consume-packages/configuring-nuget-behavior#config-file-reference c:\A\B\C\NuGet.Config c:\A\B\NuGet.Config c:\A\NuGet.Config c:\NuGet.Config