RicoSuter / NuGetReferenceSwitcher

Visual Studio extension to switch between NuGet and project references.
Microsoft Public License
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Keyboard Input Inconsistent related to "an operation is blocking user input" #3

Closed ChristopherElliott closed 8 years ago

ChristopherElliott commented 9 years ago

I've noticed that when I use the tool, I get in a state where certain types of input are no longer possible.

For example, I'll be able to type characters but not cut & paste or be unable to delete characters.

I've also noticed that this message is displayed consistently when I close visual studio after getting into this state:

image Text of image says: "Microsoft Visual Studio has detected that an operation is blocking user input. This can be caused by an active modal dialog or a task that needs to block user interaction. Would you like to shut down anyway?"

RicoSuter commented 9 years ago

Can you check your

C:\Users\USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2013

directory, and post the corresponding crash_* file here?

RicoSuter commented 9 years ago

Also please search for an NuGetReferenceSwitcher exception in the VS ActivityLog.xml:


ChristopherElliott commented 9 years ago

No luck on either. There are no crash_* files and the only activity in my ActivityLog.xml is from over a month ago and no mention of NuGetReferenceSwitcher. Attaching the debugger didn't catch any exceptions related to the popup though there were plenty of First-chance exceptions that may or may not be related.

RicoSuter commented 8 years ago

Can you check if you still have the problem with the just released v1.3?

ivanovAndrei commented 8 years ago

I just downloaded the 1.3 release from https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/68878c27-110c-43ec-ae61-3ea3f7aae88c which is where the release is pointing to. Note: When using that link to download for VS2013, The "About" screen shows: Version: 1.1.5672.31298, 7/13/2015 Running with VS2013 premium

I still have this issue, and no crash file is present. I get this consistently every time I switch references. When I go to Close VS, Sometimes what I see is a dialog prompting me to save one of the projects in a solution (even though I clicked on solution file and saved it).

RicoSuter commented 8 years ago

Version: 1.1.5672.31298, 7/13/2015 is the newest release, I forgot to update the version there... Strange, I tested it in my Visual Studio and it worked. Can you debug the extension to find the problem?

ivanovAndrei commented 8 years ago

Having never done it, I'm not sure I have the time to go figure out how to load it up in debug mode, etc. I can run a debug build of it and send you logs, if you can build one for me.

Cellivar commented 8 years ago

I and my coworkers have gotten this exact same issue when we're attempting to use the plugin for VS2013 and multiple nuget packages. I don't have time right now to manually debug the issue but I'd imagine it's related to a dialog not being properly closed. It seems that modifier keys, such as control or shift are the ones directly affected by the issue.

Restarting visual studio makes everything work until I switch references again, at which point I must perform another restart.

RicoSuter commented 8 years ago

Should be fixed in v1.5, can someone verify?

Cellivar commented 8 years ago

I installed the update from the VS Extension Gallery and immediately encountered #11. I've reverted to my personal build for the time being which does not have the same problem.

Cellivar commented 8 years ago

The latest version is confirmed working for VS2013.

RicoSuter commented 8 years ago

Ok thx