Ride-The-Lightning / RTL

Ride The Lightning - A full function web browser app for LND, C-Lightning and Eclair
MIT License
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RTL crashes when trying to open a channel to a peer that has too many pending channels #1322

Open viaj3ro opened 8 months ago

viaj3ro commented 8 months ago

When I try to open a channel to a peer that has too many pending channels, RTL initially returns "channel opened successfully" (without actually opening the channel) but then becomes unresponsive and has to be restarted.

When I try to open the same channel to the same peer via command line I get (presumably) the correct error:

"peer aborted the channel funding flow: 'Number of pending channels exceed maximum'"

can be reproduced with this node at the moment: 037f990e61acee8a7697966afd29dd88f3b1f8a7b14d625c4f8742bd952003a590 (fixedfloat.com)

I'm running Eclair 0.9.0 and RTL 0.14.0 (patched to support eclair)

ShahanaFarooqui commented 8 months ago

@viaj3ro How many pending channels do you have for this peer? Could you also please update RTL and test again.

viaj3ro commented 7 months ago

will do and report. I have no pending channels with the peer. but 3 active ones and want to open a fourth