Ride-The-Lightning / RTL

Ride The Lightning - A full function web browser app for LND, C-Lightning and Eclair
MIT License
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Some reports don't load #1331

Open svewa opened 7 months ago

svewa commented 7 months ago

When clicking on "Reports" to view the forwards per day, some month don't work, show "No routing report for the selected period". With 6-12k forwards in the surrounding month, I believe this to be a bug. Also the console shows some exception, see screenshot: grafik

running 0.14.1-beta CLN v23.08.1 API 0.10.5 Firefox/linux

cvx35isl commented 6 months ago

I do not understand the TypeError above...

however, I observed such behavior when my c-lightning-rest process got OOMKilled while RTL was loading data for reports and tables. That also got RTL in some stuck state and I had to restart it as well + re-login after. More memory to the REST API was the solution then.

svewa commented 6 months ago

I guess if c-lightning-rest gets OOMKilled RTL just stops working completely. This is not the case, the case is specific months not working while others do. So I guess this is unrelated :/