Ride-The-Lightning / RTL

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Stuck close channel #1358

Closed AndrewAB86 closed 4 months ago

AndrewAB86 commented 4 months ago

Hey, while starting with my node i was playing around with channels. I closed a channel at set the fee to 1. It was stuck in waiting close for a long time. Then I had to replace the hard drive for the node, I restored the node and the channel close was gone but no funds. The channel close transaction is showing on my node again but not showing in close channels. How can I bump the fee to get this transaction finalised.

The transaction id is: b0f4c3968fc6b660b05a6562c349cfea6fd24babc055163f67041adac4d765f8

Help please.


saubyk commented 4 months ago

Hi @AndrewAB86 is this a mutual close i.e. not a force close?

Also, what was the local balance on this channel? from the transaction it looks like it's going to one address so I am assuming it's all coming back to you.

So before we consider your options, closing a channel with 1 sat/vbyte is never a wise thing to do, unless you've looked at the mempool and you know it will confirm. And given that this transaction was broadcast 5 months ago, there was no chance of 1 sat/vbyte confirming. Hope you'll keep this in mind on your future lightning operations

Now, assuming all the balance on the channel is coming back to your node, you can use the bumpfee command on the cli to bump up the fee rate for this channel closing transaction. Keep in mind to use a much higher rate than the prevailing fee rates in the mempool, because this fee bumping will happen via cpfp, so the effective fee rate for your channel closing transaction will be less that what you specify when you run the bumpfee command.

Here's an example of the command syntax: lncli wallet bumpfee --sat_per_vbyte 50 <txid>:0