Ride-The-Lightning / RTL

Ride The Lightning - A full function web browser app for LND, C-Lightning and Eclair
MIT License
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RTL no longer works with new eclair version 0.10.0 #1361

Closed DerEwige closed 1 month ago

DerEwige commented 3 months ago

If you connect RTL to an eclair with version 0.10.0 some sections will not load (see screenshots)

image image

I assume the reason for this is the change of one field. The field "timestamp" was replaced by two new fields "startedAt" and "settledAt". I guess "startedAt" should always have data, but settledAt might be empty or missing if a payment/relay is not yet settled.

Also old payments from before the upgrade will still show the old field

ShahanaFarooqui commented 1 month ago

Closing with #1363.