Ride-The-Lightning / RTL

Ride The Lightning - A full function web browser app for LND, C-Lightning and Eclair
MIT License
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RTL-0.15 with CLN and clnrest.py got very slow #1364

Open ghost opened 3 months ago

ghost commented 3 months ago

Not sure if this is a bug, but I used to run RTL with c-lightning-REST, which was working fine. Now I'm running RTL 0.15 with CLN's clnrest.py plugin and everything got very slow. "Getting node information" and "Initializing node data" take more than a minute to finish, although I'm running it on a faster machine.

saubyk commented 3 months ago

Hi @martinneustein do you have a very busy node with a lot of channels and routing traffic? If you do, have you ever done any maintenance to clean up your database?

ghost commented 3 months ago

IHi @saubyk, it has about 16 channels and is running CLBOSS. I did not do any DB maintenance, I looked for information what I can do and couldn't find anything. I compiled lightingd without Postgres support/it uses sqlite3.

ghost commented 2 months ago

@saubyk I VACUUMed and ANALYZEd the sqlite3 db, no change. Some calls just seem to take forever.

[4/10/2024, 4:00:55 AM] INFO: Peers => List Peers...

[4/10/2024, 4:01:00 AM] INFO: Network => Network Fee Rates Received for perkw.

[4/10/2024, 4:01:00 AM] INFO: OnChain => Funds List Received.

[4/10/2024, 4:01:00 AM] INFO: Onchain => Local Remote Balance.

[4/10/2024, 4:01:00 AM] INFO: Onchain => Onchain Balance Received.

[4/10/2024, 4:01:00 AM] INFO: Channels => Peer Channels List Received.

[4/10/2024, 4:01:00 AM] INFO: Network => Network Fee Rates Received for perkb.

[4/10/2024, 4:01:00 AM] INFO: Payments => List Payments...

[4/10/2024, 4:01:14 AM] INFO: Channels => Peer Channels List With Aliases Received.

[4/10/2024, 4:01:14 AM] INFO: Peers => Sorted Peers List Received.

[4/10/2024, 4:01:26 AM] INFO: Payments => Payments List with Memo Received.