Ride-The-Lightning / RTL

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cln: Boltz auto-send #1366

Closed ShahanaFarooqui closed 2 months ago

ShahanaFarooqui commented 3 months ago

Summary by CodeRabbit

coderabbitai[bot] commented 3 months ago


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The recent updates primarily enhance the functionality and user interface of the Boltz swap feature within an application. Key improvements include the introduction of an "Auto Send" option, concurrent data fetching for efficiency, UI adjustments for better layout and information display, including QR codes, and the addition of necessary models and service methods to support these features. These changes aim to streamline the swap process and improve the overall user experience.


Files Change Summary
.../shared/boltz.js, .../shared/boltz.ts Added logic for auto_send and address in createSwap.
.../boltz-root.component.ts Refactored onSwap to use forkJoin for fetching boltzInfo and serviceInfo.
.../swap-modal/swap-modal.component.html, .../swap-modal/swap-modal.component.ts Added mat-slide-toggle for "Auto Send", updated related properties.
.../swap-status/swap-status.component.html, .../swap-status/swap-status.component.ts Updated layout, added QR code logic, conditional rendering.
.../side-navigation/side-navigation.component.html Layout attribute adjustments.
.../models/alertData.ts, .../models/boltzModels.ts Added interfaces for Boltz info and swap details.
.../services/boltz.service.ts Enhanced with new properties, methods for Boltz info and operations.
.../services/consts-enums-functions.ts Added UI message constant for Boltz info retrieval.
.../theme-mode-dark.scss Styling adjustments for .boltz-icon.

In a world of code and light,
Changes come, both bold and bright.
Swaps and toggles, sleek designs,
Through the code, a purpose finds.
QR gleams, the dark theme dreams,
A rabbit hops, and softly beams.

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saubyk commented 3 months ago

@coderabbitai review

ShahanaFarooqui commented 3 months ago

The address is still shown if the swap is being paid internally, which makes the user think the swap still needs to be paid. Only show the lockup transaction in this case, which is included in the response:

Updated the code accordingly with commit .