Ride-The-Lightning / RTL

Ride The Lightning - A full function web browser app for LND, C-Lightning and Eclair
MIT License
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"loop" not included with install #1375

Closed TheColetrain closed 2 months ago

TheColetrain commented 2 months ago

Hello. I am a Noob, to be clear.

I recently installed Umbrel, and using Umbrel, I installed RTL.
my RTL does not have "loop"
currently under "services" only "Boltz" exists. "Loop" is not there. (Attached shows both, but I only have one)


My biggest problem is that I am just getting started and all guides and youtubes are on "loop" and there are few guides on "boltz"

Can I either have a good guide on Bolz, or a good guide on how to install loop?

Thank you