Ride-The-Lightning / RTL

Ride The Lightning - A full function web browser app for LND, C-Lightning and Eclair
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HELP missing on-chain funds! #1395

Closed uskrusader closed 1 month ago

uskrusader commented 1 month ago

I recently sent from RTL onchain to another RTL onchain. While upgrading to a new start9 node.

I sent the funds from my old node (RTL) to a new TAPROOT (P2TR) address generated by my new RTL on start9.

The transaction is confirmed but I'm not seeing the funds. IS THERE a way to see the receive addresses that I previously generated on RTL?!

I can see the address it went to, but I cannot verify if I generated it. I need to see if I somehow made an error in the copy/pasting of address.

I'm feeling pretty sick about this right now. Thanks for any help.

saubyk commented 1 month ago

Hi @uskrusader my guess is your new start9 node is not done syncing to the chain yet. When it's done syncing you'll be able to see your funds.

uskrusader commented 1 month ago

I'm afraid that is not the case. It has been sync'd for a week now. I already have Lightning channels established in my new RTL.

I really need to know if I generated the address these funds got sent to.

It was a simple copy/paste receive address from my new RTL to my old RTL. I sent funds from old to new, BUT they never arrived.

How can I confirm that the address I sent to was/was not generated by my new RTL?

saubyk commented 1 month ago

hmm...ok, if it's a LND node, you can get the list of addresses generated by running this command on the terminal: lncli wallet addresses list

Also, have you tried restarting your node?

uskrusader commented 1 month ago

$ lncli wallet addresses list

Will that work for seeing onchain addresses?

It will take me a bit. I don't think a start9 server gives direct access to the command line by default. I think I still need to add SSH keys for remote access

saubyk commented 1 month ago

Will that work for seeing onchain addresses?

That's what this command is for

uskrusader commented 1 month ago

Restart did it!!!! Weird because it really looked like everything was connected and functioning fine. Sorry for the panic.

I've been doing this for awhile, but I'm obviously new to start9

Restart seems like obviously solution for newbs lol. I'm humbled

I'll close this out.