Ride-The-Lightning / RTL

Ride The Lightning - A full function web browser app for LND, C-Lightning and Eclair
MIT License
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Error for setups running without authentication config params #1415

Closed ShahanaFarooqui closed 1 week ago

ShahanaFarooqui commented 1 week ago

For Umbrel setup, all authentication params are passed via environment. When RTL tries to remove all authentication params, it throws error:

            delete node.authentication.macaroonPath;

TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
    at CommonService.removeAuthSecureData (file:///RTL/backend/utils/common.js:43:25)
    at file:///RTL/backend/utils/common.js:56:46
    at Array.map (<anonymous>)
    at CommonService.removeSecureData (file:///RTL/backend/utils/common.js:56:27)
    at file:///RTL/backend/controllers/shared/RTLConf.js:107:40
    at FSReqCallback.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (node:internal/fs/read_file_context:68:3)
ShahanaFarooqui commented 1 week ago

Closing with PR #1416