Riduidel / aadarchi

A maven archetype to generate easily projects allowing architecture description using a mix of C4, agile architecture, Asciidoc and PlantUML
Apache License 2.0
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.asciidoctorconfig.adoc missing in archetype #355

Closed nabsha-sv closed 9 months ago

nabsha-sv commented 1 year ago

Hi Team,

Just cloned the archetype project to set it up locally and I noticed that asciidoc config architecture-documentation/.asciidoctorconfig.adoc is not defined and hence no structurizrdir variable.

Failed to generate image: PlantUML preprocessing failed: [From <input> (line 2) ]

Unresolved directive in _Aadarchi_base.adoc - include::{structurizrdir}/diagrams/base_components.plantuml[]
 Syntax Error?

Unresolved directive in _Aadarchi_base.adoc - include::{structurizrdir}/diagrams/base_components.plantuml[]

I can see in the base project architecture-documentation/.asciidoctorconfig.adoc exist(but is also missing structurizrdir variable), but not in archetype output.

Riduidel commented 1 year ago

Hello @nabsha-sv In fact, you shouldn't even clone the archetype project. You really have, according to README.md to run the following command. This should give you a working project.

Don't get too much worried about the .asciidoctorconfig.adoc file, it has been generated on y machine and I commited it by mistake

nabsha-sv commented 1 year ago

hmm... so I did the following

 7126  mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeVersion=0.1.10 -Daadarchi-version=0.1.10 -DarchetypeGroupId=io.github.Riduidel.aadarchi -DarchetypeArtifactId=archetype
 7127  cd test-artifact
 7128  ls
 7129  mvn clean install
 7130  ....
 7131  mvn -Plivereload

and changed a few things in src/docs/asciidoc/_01-context.adoc, should I expect a change in target/structurizr/enhancements/_01-context.adoc and/or under target/asciidoc/docs/html? as none of them are getting updated.

Note: My workspace.dsl changes are reflected correctly though, I primarily am interested in the framework and the sequence diagram generator.

Riduidel commented 11 months ago

Sorry for the late reply. In fact, there should be changes to target/asciidoc/docs/html (that's the whole point of the live reload). Can you send the log file once mvn -Plivereload is invoked ? (ideally, if you could push your project to GitHub (or send me a zip file containing it), it would help