Open gdagstn opened 1 month ago
This is applied to Differential Expression results, but you can still see how the scores are calculated
# Plot STRING networks using only DEGs and coloring by fold change plotStringDE <- function(res, alpha = 0.05, lfc = 1, fields.keep = c("neighborhood", "experiments", "database"), min.score = 700) { res = res$gene = rownames(res) sigs = res$gene[res$padj < alpha & abs(res$log2FoldChange) > lfc] sigs = sigs[!] network = stringdb[stringdb$gene1 %in% sigs & stringdb$gene2 %in% sigs,] updatescores = network[,c(fields.keep, paste0(fields.keep, "_transferred"))]/1000 ## UPDATING SCORES p = 0.041 for(i in fields.keep) { updatescores[,i] = as.numeric(sapply(updatescores[,i], function(x) { if(x < p) x = p return((x - p)/(1 - p)) })) updatescores[,paste0(i, "_transferred")] = as.numeric(sapply(updatescores[,paste0(i, "_transferred")], function(x) { if(x < p) x = p return((x - p)/(1 - p)) })) updatescores[,paste0(i, "_corrected")] = 1 - (1 - updatescores[,i]) * (1 - updatescores[,paste0(i, "_transferred")]) } updatescores_corr = updatescores[,grep("corrected", colnames(updatescores))] updatescores_corr$tot_om = (1 - updatescores_corr$neighborhood_corrected) * (1 - updatescores_corr$experiments_corrected) * (1 - updatescores_corr$database_corrected) cb = 1 - updatescores_corr$tot_om cb = cb * (1 - p) cb = cb + p network$newcomb = round(cb * 1000) gn = data.frame("from" = network$gene1, "to" = network$gene2) gn = gn[network$newcomb >= min.score, ] g = graph_from_data_frame(gn, directed = FALSE) g = simplify(g) res = res[!duplicated(res$gene),] rownames(res) = res$gene V(g)$log2FoldChange = res[names(V(g)), "log2FoldChange"] l <- layout_with_graphopt(g) ggraph(g, layout = "manual", x = l[,1], y = l[,2]) + geom_edge_link(width = 0.2) + geom_node_point(aes(fill = log2FoldChange), size = 6, shape = 21) + geom_node_label(mapping = aes(label = names(V(g))), repel = TRUE, size = 2.5, label.padding = 0.15,) + theme_bw() + theme(axis.title = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.line = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank(), panel.grid = element_blank()) + scale_fill_gradient2(name = "log2(FC)", low = scales::muted("blue"), high = scales::muted("red")) }
Reference to how this was calculated:
This is applied to Differential Expression results, but you can still see how the scores are calculated