The following things we have implemented in this project:
Choose the topic for website and the API.
Choose images, text, icons, fonts.
Set up the repository and tools.
Create the basic shared code on the home page.
Start individual interfaces.
Give code reviews to coding partners.
Created required functionalities.
Record a video for the project.
Create a good README and PR description.
I have tried the given temporary solve for my webhint linter but it is not working my project. So, please approve my project without noticing the webhint linter passing issue according to this student success message in slack. Thanks
The following things we have implemented in this project:
Choose the topic for website and the API.
Choose images, text, icons, fonts.
Set up the repository and tools.
Create the basic shared code on the home page.
Start individual interfaces.
Give code reviews to coding partners.
Created required functionalities.
Record a video for the project.
Create a good README and PR description.
I have tried the given temporary solve for my webhint linter but it is not working my project. So, please approve my project without noticing the webhint linter passing issue according to this student success message in slack. Thanks