RiffSphere / Collectarr

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KeyError: 'name' on startup #6

Open KillsT3aler69 opened 7 months ago

KillsT3aler69 commented 7 months ago

Here are the logs:

[24-04-17 09:53:55] INFO - Config Loaded
[24-04-17 09:53:55] INFO - API tested succesfully
[24-04-17 09:53:55] INFO - Rootfolder parsed
[24-04-17 09:53:55] INFO - *****************************
[24-04-17 09:53:55] INFO - * Load collection blacklist *
[24-04-17 09:53:55] INFO - *****************************
[24-04-17 09:53:55] INFO - *****************************************************
[24-04-17 09:53:55] INFO - * Removing collectarr lists disabled in config file *
[24-04-17 09:53:55] INFO - *****************************************************
[24-04-17 09:53:55] INFO - ****************************************************************
[24-04-17 09:53:55] INFO - * Removing collectarr collection lists disabled in config file *
[24-04-17 09:53:55] INFO - ****************************************************************
[24-04-17 09:53:55] INFO - ****************************
[24-04-17 09:53:55] INFO - * Start adding collections *
[24-04-17 09:53:55] INFO - ****************************
[24-04-17 09:53:55] INFO - Checking 173 movies in collection
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/collectarr.py", line 564, in <module>
  File "/app/collectarr.py", line 266, in AddCollections
    colls.update({str(movie["collection"]["tmdbId"]): movie["collection"]["name"]})
KeyError: 'name'

This is the config file:

; tmdb apiKey
;       Moved to top for easy editing
;       Can be kept empty

; Radarr settings
;   Host
;        Don't include http(s) or /

;   Port
;       Just the port number, no :
;   URLbase
;       If you set URL base in Radarr, enter it here
;       Should be in the form "/radarr"
;   apiKey
;       Your api key
;   https
;        True to use https, False to use http

; Program settings
;   dryrun
;       If set to True, program will run as configured, but not make changes to Radarr
;       Can be used to test settings and check log
;   removealllists
;       As expected, removing all current lists from Radarr
;       WARNING: can not be un-done and should be False
;       Line can even be removed from config
;   removeblacklistedlist
;       Remove lists containing a blacklisted id
;       Either manually or automatically added
;   removeCollectarractorlists
;       Remove all actor lists previously added by Collectarr
;       This only removes the lists, not the movies
;   removeCollectarrcollectionlists
;       Remove all actor lists previously added by Collectarr
;       This only removes the lists, not the movies
;   addcollections
;       Execute the add collections for all (monitored if set) movies function
;       Suggest to keep True, since this is the main function of the program
;   addactors
;       Enable adding actors
;   Rootfolder
;       first: Querry Radarr for all configured rootfolders, and use the first configured
;       movie: Set rootfolder to movie path without the movie name
;   movielistnameaddon
;       Lists added will be named according to the collection name provided by Radarr
;       Add a personal suffix to recognize list is added by Collectarr
;       Will also be used to remove lists added by Collectarr
movielistnameaddon= - Collection Added by Collectarr
;   movielistnameaddon
;       Lists added will be named according to the collection name provided by Radarr
;       Add a personal suffix to recognize list is added by Collectarr
;       Will also be used to remove lists added by Collectarr
actorlistnameaddon= - Actor Added by Collectarr

; Log settings
;   quiet
;       Don't log to command line.
;       Set False for docker or debugging.
;   nolog
;       Log nothing if you don't care anyway
;   nocollectionlog
;       Log movies in Radarr that are not part of a collection
;       Suggest False to limit log file
;   loginfo
;       Shows more information about actions taken
;       Suggest True, else only error and list adding is logged.

; Movie information used for lists creation
;   Only create lists for movies that are monitored
;       If you have multiple movies of 1 collection, it will create a list if 1 of them is monitored
;   enabled
;       Enable the movie list in Radarr
;       Suggest True, else the list will not be used until (manually) enabled
;   enableAuto
;       Add movies from the list to Radarr
;       Strongly suggest to keep True, or Radarr wont add movies from the list
;       Set shouldMonitor to False if you don't want Radarr to monitor the movies added
;   shouldMonitor
;       Have Radarr monitor movies added by list
;   searchOnAdd
;       Have Radarr search movies when added

; Actor information used for list creation
;   monitoredonly
;       only count actor appearing if movie is monitored
;   enabled
;       Enable the actor list in Radarr
;       Suggest True, else the list will not be used until (manually) enabled
;   enableAuto
;       Add movies from the list to Radarr
;       Strongly suggest to keep True, or Radarr wont add movies from the list
;       Set shouldMonitor to False if you don't want Radarr to monitor the movies added
;   shouldMonitor
;       Have Radarr monitor movies added by list
;   searchOnAdd
;       Have Radarr search movies when added
;   countvoice
;       Some voice actors appear in many animated movies, doing a voice, often for small rolls
;       This allows to not count an actor doing voice in a movie
;   countuncredited
;       Sometimes actors are not credited in the movie, but TMDB still lists them
;       This allows to not count uncredited actors when making lists
;   actormin
;       How often should an actor be in the (monitored if set) movies before a list is added