Rightpoint / BonMot

Beautiful, easy attributed strings in Swift
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New XMLStyleRule variants for dynamic styling #391

Closed kosyak closed 3 years ago

kosyak commented 4 years ago

Hello and thank you for this fine library!

I propose addition of several XMLStyleRules to dynamically generate and apply styles, enter- and exit-insertions of elements.

With these changes, you can use them like this:

// We want to style an xml that contains tags with some important attributes

var quoteAuthorStack = [String]()

let attributedString = try NSAttributedString.composed(
    ofXML: rawXml,
    rules: [
        .style("quote", quoteStyle),

        // We want to insert an image with a beautiful quote before the actual quote text.
        // Also we have an author's name in "author" attribute and we want 
        // to append this name after the quote text.
        .enterBlock(element: "quote") { attributes in
            // Saving author's name for later use

            // "author" handling was hacky, so to show `attributes` in action,
            // why don't we have different quote images for different occasions...
            return NSAttributedString.composed(of: [ 
                UIImage(named: attributes["quotestyle"]!)!, 

        .exitBlock(element: "quote") {
            // Using our saved "author" attribute here to append the name after the quote
            let author = quoteAuthorStack.popLast()!

            return NSAttributedString.composed(of: [ 
                Special.lineFeed, author.styled(with: authorStyle) 

        // Also we have a "link" tag with some attributes that will help us
        // to generate an URL
        .styleBlock("link") { attributes in
            guard let type = attributes["type"], [ "event", "person" ].contains(type),
                let id = attributes["id"],
                let link = URL(string: "\(Const.Domain)/\(type)/\(id)") else { return defaultStyle }

            return defaultStyle.byAdding(.link(link))

We have a BonMot patched with these changes for quite some time, they are very convenient for us :)

ZevEisenberg commented 4 years ago

@kosyak wow, this is a great addition! Thanks so much for contributing back your work so that others can benefit ❤️

I'd love to see some unit tests to make sure it keeps working as advertised. Is that something you'd be willing to add? I can help if you run into trouble.

chrisballinger commented 4 years ago

@kosyak This is great, thank you! I would also love to see the docs updated, with maybe an advanced/dynamic XML section explaining usage of this new functionality (similar to your PR description): https://github.com/Rightpoint/BonMot/blob/master/README.md#styling-parts-of-strings-with-xml

kosyak commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your support! I totally understand the need of tests and docs for this, will come up with those, won’t hesitate to ask for help :)

kosyak commented 4 years ago

@ZevEisenberg I've added unit tests (they're based on testAdditiveFontFeatures where I've found some code with .xmlRules). They may be in the wrong place or overcomplicated, please point me to the right direction.

kosyak commented 4 years ago

@ZevEisenberg I've pushed fixes that hopefully will resolve some of your concerns.

I'm wondering if we can come up with better names for the new cases?

I'm looking at some Kotlin code right now, and there's lazyMessage here. We can have case .lazyStyle(String, ([String: String]) -> StringStyle) (this is good, I think), .lazyEnter, .lazyExit (not so good...)

ZevEisenberg commented 4 years ago

Yeah, the Kotlin naming doesn't seem to fit too well here. What about styler(String, ([String: String]) -> StringStyle) to pair with the style(String, StringStyle) we already have? You could potentially even typealias Styler = ([String: String]) -> StringStyle.

kosyak commented 4 years ago

I'm fine with .styler. Should we rename .enterBlock, .exitBlock?

ZevEisenberg commented 4 years ago

Damn. I forgot about those. I'd be fine with enterStyler and exitStyler. But now styler by itself seems to be missing something. I'm probably fine with that, unless we can think of a good word for stylerThatIsNeitherEnterNorExit.

kosyak commented 4 years ago

typealias Styler = ([String: String]) -> StringStyle

I'm not sure where to put it - should it be near XMLStyleRule?. It could be within XMLStyleRule but there's already XMLStyleRule.Styler https://github.com/Rightpoint/BonMot/pull/391/files#diff-c9b2f909282ce5a1468d61cb0337c704R136.

Also, won't there be a confusion between our freshly renamed XMLStyleRule.styler and XMLStyleRule.Styler?

Here's one more naming option: .dynamicStyle, .dynamicEnter, .dynamicExit (or even .deferred...) - just yo be sure we thought of them all :)

ZevEisenberg commented 4 years ago

Wow, I'm glad one of the two of us is paying attention! 😅 I haven't worked on this code in a while, so I'm a little rusty. You make excellent points. I'll have a think about it when I've got some time, and I definitely hope to get this in soon.

kosyak commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the merge, will work on readme/docs this week.