Rightpoint / Eject

An eject button for Interface Builder to generate swift code
MIT License
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Update readme to reference brew recipe #20

Closed edwardloveall closed 7 years ago

edwardloveall commented 7 years ago

Also cleaned up a little bit of the readme formatting.

KingOfBrian commented 7 years ago

This is fantastic @edwardloveall ! I took a break from eject for a few and totally forgot about this. How do I update homebrew when I make a new release?

edwardloveall commented 7 years ago

Pretty simple, just follow the steps here: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/26825c7b2dc7aafa9f0ed85af968441ca465e918/CONTRIBUTING.md#submit-a-123-version-upgrade-for-the-foo-formula

Copied here for posterity:

Submit a 1.2.3 version upgrade for the foo formula

KingOfBrian commented 7 years ago

Just made a PR with an update. Much more painful than Cocoapods to update, but magic enough.

edwardloveall commented 7 years ago

Yeah they do some weird things. If you don't like their approval process, there's always private taps that you can manage yourself. You could have a raiz tap with all your projects for example.