document.objects.view.subviews.view: insetsLayoutMarginsFromSafeArea='NO'
document.objects.view.subviews.view: insetsLayoutMarginsFromSafeArea='NO'
Can not configure XML nodes 'viewLayoutGuide'
Can not configure XML nodes 'point'
Variable 'imageView: UIImageView' was generated 2 times. // <-- specific to my project
Error: invalidReference("2kL-IL-xdO")
It appears that the program is unable to support constraints against the safe area layout guide, added in iOS 11.
So I ran Eject on my .xib and got this output:
It appears that the program is unable to support constraints against the safe area layout guide, added in iOS 11.
Here is the relevant source from the xib file:
This is all under the root view in the hierarchy.