overlay tracks/NeedlesOverlay
container Panel (tracks/speedoneedle)
material tracks/speedoneedle_mat <<< REF: 3d_dashboard_needles.overlay
container Panel (tracks/tachoneedle)
material tracks/tachoneedle_mat <<< REF: 3d_dashboard_needles.overlay
container Panel (tracks/rollneedle)
material tracks/rollneedle_mat << REM
container Panel (tracks/pitchneedle)
material tracks/pitchneedle_mat <<< REM
FILE: whiteneedle.dds >> KEEP, needed for aerial HUD
container Panel (tracks/rollcorneedle)
material tracks/rollcorneedle_mat << REM
FILE: blueneedle.dds >> REMOVE
container Panel (tracks/turboneedle)
material tracks/turboneedle_mat <<< REM
FILE: redneedle.dds >> REF by pressure overlay >> KEEP
material tracks/Pedal <<< REM, ror.material
FILE: pedal.dds
container Panel (tracks/pbrake)
material tracks/pbrake-off -on <<<REM
FILES: * pbrake-off/on.dds
container Panel (tracks/locked)
material tracks/locked-off -on <<<REM
FILES: * locked-off/on.dds
container Panel (tracks/secured)
material tracks/secured-off -on <<<REM
FILES: * secured-off/on.dds
container Panel (tracks/lopress)
material tracks/lopress-off -on << REM
FILES: * lopress-off/on.dds
container Panel (tracks/clutch)
material tracks/clutch-off -on <<<<<<<<<< ror.material, REMOVE
FILES: * clutch-off/on.dds
container Panel (tracks/lights)
material tracks/lights-off -on<<<<<<<<<< ror.material, REMOVE
FILES: * lights-on/off.dds
container Panel (tracks/batt)
material tracks/batt-off -on <<<<<<<<<< ror.material, REMOVE
FILES: * batt-on/off.dds
container Panel (tracks/ign)
material tracks/ign-off -on << ror.material ------ NO OTHER USE, REMOVE
FILES: * ign-off/on.dds
container Panel (tracks/tcontrol)
material tracks/tcontrol-off -on -act << ror.material ------ NO OTHER USE, REMOVE
container Panel (tracks/antilock)
material tracks/antilock-off << ror.material ------ NO OTHER USE, REMOVE
CODE: tracks/antilock-on << ror.material ------ NO OTHER USE, REMOVE
CODE: tracks/antilock-act << ror.material ------ NO OTHER USE, REMOVE
needlesmask.overlay >> checked, old truck HUD only, remove
overlay tracks/NeedlesMaskOverlay
container Panel (tracks/pitchmask)
material tracks/pitchmask << ror.material ------ NO OTHER USE, REMOVE
FILE: pitchmask.dds
container Panel (tracks/rollmask)
material tracks/rollmask << ror.material ------ NO OTHER USE, REMOVE
FILE: rollmask.dds
various.overlay >> checked, cleanup needed
overlay tracks/netchat ---------- UNUSED, REMOVE!
container BorderPanel(tracks/netchatbp) ------------ UNUSED
material Core/StatsBlockCenter << OgreCore.material
border_material Core/StatsBlockBorder << OgreCore.material
container Panel(tracks/netchatbreak) ------------ UNUSED
material Core/StatsBreak << OgreCore.material
element TextArea(tracks/chatline1) ------------ UNUSED
element TextArea(tracks/chatline2)
element TextArea(tracks/chatline3)
element TextArea(tracks/chatline4)
element TextArea(tracks/chatline5)
element TextArea(tracks/chattype) ---------------- UNUSED
overlay tracks/Racing
container TextArea(tracks/LapTimemin)
container TextArea(tracks/LapTimes)
container TextArea(tracks/LapTimems)
container TextArea(tracks/LastTime)
overlay tracks/FlashMessage---------- UNUSED, REMOVE!
overlay tracks/PressureOverlay
container Panel (tracks/pressureo)
material tracks/pressuremat
overlay tracks/PressureNeedleOverlay
container Panel (tracks/pressureneedle)
material tracks/pressureneedle_mat
overlay tracks/FadeInOut --------- UNUSED, REMOVE!
container Panel(FadeInOutPanel)
material tracks/blackFade << ror.material ------------ NO OTHER USE, REMOVE
loader.overlay >> checked, delete
overlay tracks/LoaderOverlay/Loader ---------------- UNUSED< REMOVE
material tracks/graytrans <<<< ror.material <<< NO OTHER USE, REMOVE
material tracks/white <<<<ror.material<< other use: simplesphere.mesh ----- DEAD, REM
overlay tracks/LoaderOverlay/GUI ----------- UNUSED, REMOVE
material tracks/Viewer <<<< ror.material <<< NO OTHER USE, REMOVE
FILE: unknown.dds
credits.overlay >> checked, delete
tracks/credits <<<< ror.material <<< NO OTHER USE, REMOVE
FILE: credits.dds
chat.overlay >> checked, totally dead, delete
machinedashboard.overlay >> obsolete, remove
overlay tracks/MachineDashboardOverlay
container Panel (tracks/machineinstructions)
material tracks/instructions >> REM
FILE instructions.dds >> CREATE A SUBSTITUTE!
container Panel (tracks/machinehelppanel)
material tracks/black
container Panel (tracks/machinedashbar)
material tracks/dashbar
container Panel (tracks/machinedashfiller)
material tracks/black
The old truck HUD resources+code is still in and used, although the HUD is no longer accessible.
This issue-ticket will track all associated resources so they can be removed.
The old truckinfo-box:
dashboard.overlay >> old truck HUD only
font_name CyberbitEnglish
needlesmask.overlay >> checked, old truck HUD only, remove
various.overlay >> checked, cleanup needed
loader.overlay >> checked, delete
credits.overlay >> checked, delete
chat.overlay >> checked, totally dead, delete
machinedashboard.overlay >> obsolete, remove