RigsOfRods / rigs-of-rods

Main development repository for Rigs of Rods soft-body physics simulator
GNU General Public License v3.0
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AngelScript: added message queue bindings. #3025

Closed ohlidalp closed 1 year ago

ohlidalp commented 1 year ago

There's a new script function game.pushMessage(MsgType, dictionary@) which allows you to do practically any state change within the game (load/unload terrain, actor, connect/disconnect multiplayer). The parameters are passed as dictionary. Documentation will be available at http://developer.rigsofrods.org/ after this PR is merged; for now here is a reprint:

    * Pushes a message to internal message queue. Parameters are listed in `Script2Game::MsgType` comments.
    * @return True if the message was pushed, false if it was rejected.
    bool pushMessage(MsgType type, dictionary@ dict);
    // Application
    MSG_APP_SHUTDOWN_REQUESTED,                //!< Immediate application shutdown. No params.
    MSG_APP_SCREENSHOT_REQUESTED,              //!< Capture screenshot. No params.
    MSG_APP_DISPLAY_FULLSCREEN_REQUESTED,      //!< Switch to fullscreen. No params.
    MSG_APP_DISPLAY_WINDOWED_REQUESTED,        //!< Switch to windowed display. No params.
    MSG_APP_MODCACHE_UPDATE_REQUESTED,         //!< Rescan installed mods and update cache. No params.
    MSG_APP_MODCACHE_PURGE_REQUESTED,          //!< Request cleanup and full rebuild of mod cache.
    // Networking
    MSG_NET_CONNECT_REQUESTED,                 //!< Request connection to multiplayer server specified by cvars 'mp_server_host, mp_server_port, mp_server_password'. No params.
    MSG_NET_DISCONNECT_REQUESTED,              //!< Request disconnect from multiplayer. No params.
    MSG_NET_REFRESH_AI_PRESETS,                //!< Request refresh of AI presets menu in top menubar. No params.
    // Simulation
    MSG_SIM_PAUSE_REQUESTED,                   //!< Pause game. No params.
    MSG_SIM_UNPAUSE_REQUESTED,                 //!< Unpause game. No params.
    MSG_SIM_LOAD_TERRN_REQUESTED,              //!< Request loading terrain. Param 'filename' (string)
    MSG_SIM_LOAD_SAVEGAME_REQUESTED,           //!< Request loading saved game. Param 'filename' (string)
    MSG_SIM_UNLOAD_TERRN_REQUESTED,            //!< Request returning to main menu. No params.
    MSG_SIM_SPAWN_ACTOR_REQUESTED,             //!< Request spawning an actor. Params: 'filename' (string), 'position' (vector3), 'rotation' (quaternion) 'config' (string, optional), 'skin' (string, optional), 'enter' (bool, optional, default true), , 'free_position' (bool, default false)
    MSG_SIM_MODIFY_ACTOR_REQUESTED,            //!< Request change of actor. Params: 'type' (enum ActorModifyRequestType)
    MSG_SIM_DELETE_ACTOR_REQUESTED,            //!< Request actor removal. Params: 'instance_id' (int)
    MSG_SIM_SEAT_PLAYER_REQUESTED,             //!< Put player character in a vehicle. Params: 'instance_id' (int), use -1 to get out of vehicle.
    MSG_SIM_TELEPORT_PLAYER_REQUESTED,         //!< Teleport player character anywhere on terrain. Param 'position' (vector3)
    MSG_SIM_HIDE_NET_ACTOR_REQUESTED,          //!< Request hiding of networked actor; used internally by top menubar. Params: 'instance_id' (int)
    MSG_SIM_UNHIDE_NET_ACTOR_REQUESTED,        //!< Request revealing of hidden networked actor; used internally by top menubar. Params: 'instance_id' (int)
    // GUI
    MSG_GUI_OPEN_SELECTOR_REQUESTED,           //!< Use `game.showChooser()` instead.
    MSG_GUI_CLOSE_SELECTOR_REQUESTED,          //!< No params.
    MSG_GUI_MP_CLIENTS_REFRESH,                //!< No params.
    MSG_GUI_SHOW_MESSAGE_BOX_REQUESTED,        //!< Use `game.showMessageBox()` instead.
    // Editing

The demo script now displays a button "Launch simple test terrain" when in menu, as small test. To try it, open ingame console and say 'loadscript demo_script.as'.

This is an example how to spawn https://forum.rigsofrods.org/resources/1996-dodge-viper-gts-coupe.88/

    {"filename", "ViperGTS.car"},
    {"config", "Progressive_5"},
    {"skin", "Viper Yellow/Black Stripe"},
    {"enter", false},
    {"position", vector3(500,1,500)},
    {"rotation", quaternion()}

This console snippet spawns Viper GTS directly in front of you: as quaternion qrot = quaternion((radian(3.14) - game.getPersonRotation()), vector3(0,1,0)); vector3 v3pos = game.getPersonPosition() + (qrot*vector3(-5,0,0)); game.pushMessage(MSG_SIM_SPAWN_ACTOR_REQUESTED, {{'filename', 'vipergts.car'}, {'position', v3pos}, {'rotation', qrot}, {'enter', false}});